Millefiori Beads 30+ on Strand

Millefiori Beads 10mm-12mm

Millefiori Beads 10mm-12mm (3/8 inch to 1/2 inch) are sold on a strand of approximately 30 to 32 beads. The beads differ from ordinary millefiori because the sides are rounded instead of being straight cylindrical edges, and there are the holes used to string the beads. The glass is more translucent and vibrant than the mostly opaque glass used in traditional Italian millefiori. They can be used in mosaic artwork, although grout may penetrate the stringing holes if not sealed with glue.

What Is Millefiori?

Millefiori is a traditional form of art glass that is disk-shaped with different multicolored patterns and is used in glass fusing, jewelry, and mosaic art. These pieces are beads with holes for stringing.

Product Coverage

This is a problematic question because the millefiori was intended to be used as an accent instead of as area coverage, and the piece size can vary. One strand of 30+ beads should cover roughly 1.5 square inches, but that will depend somewhat on how efficiently you nest the pieces.


The thickness is roughly 1/8 inch inch. This makes it about the same thickness as most of the glass mosaic tile we sell. Stringing holes can be sealed with Weldbond mosaic glue to prevent penetration by grout.

Cutting Millefiori Beads

Millefiori beads can be cut using a Mosaic Glass Cutter, but lampwork beads made by fusing and stretching strips of glass will often break along the layers and not as predictably as homogeneous glass tile does. Still, it can be done.

Millefiori Beads 10mm-12mm

  • Price is per 1 strand of approximately 30+ pieces.
  • Diameter: approximately 10 to 12 mm (3/8 inch to 1/2 inch).
  • Thickness: roughly 1/8 inch.
  • Coverage: one strand should cover roughly 1.5 square inches.
  • Material: glass with solid color throughout.
  • frost proof.
  • impervious to liquids.
  • Suitable for indoor and outdoor installation.
  • Not suitable for floors.

How To Make Mosaic Art

For more advice on designing your mosaic project or mounting, cutting, and grouting tile, please see our page of Mosaic Frequently Asked Questions or our Mosaic Information Guide, which lists instructional pages described by topic. We also post new articles about making mosaics at our How to Mosaic Blog.

Illustrated Mosaic Books

These mosaic books are available through Clicking on a book will take you to Amazon. This browser window will remain open to complete any purchases for supplies here. These books are recommend for one or more of the following reasons:
  • numerous illustrations of mosaic art.
  • good explanations of mosaic techniques.
  • interesting discussions of the history of mosaic art.
Encyclopedia Of Mosaic Techniques by Emma Biggs This is a useful guide to materials and techniques. The “A to Z of Techniques” section has detailed step-by-step instructions. Projects for indoors and outdoors are included, plus advice on setting up a workshop.
Making Mosaics: Designs, Techniques & Projects by Leslie Dierks A great book for beginners, this title covers different types of mosaic techniques including pique assiette work with broken plates. It also includes unique projects and step-by-step illustrations.
Classic Mosaic: Designs & Projects Inspired by 6,000 Years of Mosaic Art by Elaine M. Goodwin We often give this book as a gift to friends because it has so many good illustrations of a WIDE variety of mosaic styles. Highly recommended for pictures that inspire.
Making Mosaics (Step-by-Step Crafts) by Martin Cheek Martin Cheek is a professional artist and art instructor with impressive credentials. His book is an excellent guide for a beginner with lots of HOW-TO illustrations. Learn how to nip tile, glue and apply grout by looking at pictures.
Making Bits & Pieces Mosaics: Creative Projects for Home and Garden by Marlene Hurley Marshall Home and garden mosaic projects are where many mosaic artists get started, making this a great choice of guides. The projects are easy to follow and use everyday items, like broken dishes, ceramics and glass.
Mixed-Media Mosaics by Laurie Mika Mixed-media, collage and assemblage are a great marriage to mosaics. Highly recommended. The projects range from traditional surfaces like tables to shrines. Includes extensive techniques section and 18 step-by-step demos for all skill levels.
Mosaic Art and Style by JoAnn Locktov Hands-on experimentation is just one part of mosaic art. This book explores the theory, and goes inside the heads and workshops of several artists and explains how the projects were conceived from the artists’ points of view. This is invaluable insight for the technical-minded who wish to boost creative knowledge
Mosaics: Inspiration and Original Projects for Interiors and Exteriors by Kaffe Fassett and Candace Bahouth Uses glass, ceramic, broken china and tiles, mirror, pebbles, seashells, etc. This is not a traditional how-to approach, even though some projects have step-by-step instructions. Will need to be experimental and confident.
Ancient Mosaics by Roger Ling This book has 106 photos (47 color) that are all well chosen. Each illustrates a stylistic development in the evolution of mosaics, from the earliest Greek pebble mosaics to mosaics from different regions of the Roman world to the earliest Christian mosaics.  A captivating book.
The Weekend Crafter by Martin Cheek This is perhaps the best book for a beginner. From the questions we receive via email, the biggest problem beginners have is not knowing how to plan a project and how to keep it simple. This book should help tremendously. It also explains how to make your own designs with examples.
The Mosaic Idea Book by Rosalind Wates, Paul Forrester, Martin Norris This is one of the best books for mosaic patterns. There are many designs to use and it is also a great source of inspiration for your own ideas.
Outdoor Mosaic: Original Weather-Proof Designs to Brighten Any Exterior Space by Emma Biggs and Tessa Hunkin Step-by-step instructions and good designs for outdoor mosaics. Detailed discussions of materials and techniques for making mosaics last through rain, seepage, freeze.
Mosaics of the Greek and Roman World by Katherine M. D. Dunbabin This book is reviewed very highly on Amazon for its use of illustrations to explain the history of mosaics in the Graeco-Roman world. Lots of pictures of mosaics in classical styles.
Mosaic Techniques & Traditions: Projects & Designs from Around the World by Sonia King Practical info plus artistic inspiration. Chronicles the history of mosaics in Europe, Africa and the Americas, followed by instructions, materials, tools, techniques and design. Includes five projects of varying difficulty.
Found Art Mosaics by Suzan Germond Found materials are alive, striking and offer a chance for contemplation. Also, found art is recycled art. This is a great way to break out of the limitations of traditional materials and experiment with mosaics in a new way. Includes 27 unique, interesting projects.
The Mosaic Book: Ideas, Projects and Techniques by Peggy Vance, Celia Goodrick-Clarke Unique book combines projects by several artists, from jewelry to floors. Also has photographs of other mosaic work in amazing architectural interiors and gardens-probably the best aspect of this book. The projects are explained step-by-step, and so are the tools and techniques.
Mosaic Crafts: Twenty Designs for the Modern Home by Martin Cheek All of Martin’s Cheek’s mosiac books are well-loved in mosaic crowds, and the latest is no different. This is a set of 20 new designs that all have a clean, modernist feel. Great for those who want simple yet without sacrificing the high-design element.
Mosaic Today: Create Contemporary Projects Using New and Recycled Material by Elaine M. Goodwin Includes 16 great projects and each page features at least one historical mosaic masterpiece with an attached history lesson. Includes color photographs of the finished pieces plus step-by-step instructions. Some experience is necessary.
Beyond the Basics: Mosaics by Elizabeth DuVal Focused on home decor and is a good reference for learning to work on different-shaped surfaces and deciding how to select pieces that produce the best textures and effects. Projects range from shellwork and picassiette to projects for platters, mirrors, patios, backsplashes, memory boxes, lamps, etc.

Free Shipping Mosaic Tile


Free shipping does not exist. If a mosaic tile retailer is offering “free shipping,” they have inflated their prices so that you still pay for this phony discount. Instead of “free shipping,” we offer Priority Mail Flat-Rate boxes, the best shipping value on the Internet. These boxes are cheaper and faster than UPS Ground or FedEx Ground.


We do not offer “free shipping.” No one does, not really. If you doubt this, simply compare the TOTAL cost of your order. Compare the quality of goods. We don’t inflate our prices to offer fake discounts.


The cheapest shipping available for heavy products like mosaic tile is Priority Mail Flat-Rate. They are usually faster than UPS or Fedx ground services, especially when shipping to the West Coast, Alaska, or Hawaii.

Our new software automatically calculates the weight and size of your order and determines the cheapest shipping option for you during checkout. It will also offer alternative shipping options such as UPS Next-Day Air that you can select for rush orders. However, the cheapest option will usually be USPS Flat-Rate Priority Mail shipping.


Priority Mail Flat-Rate boxes cost the following to ship (excluding insurance) to addresses in the US and Puerto Rico. There are special rates for Mexico and Canada. All International flat-rate boxes are limited to 20 lbs, but US and Puerto Rico are not limited by weight. See current international rates at USPS.

Priority Mail Flat-Rate Boxes
Priority Mail Flat-Rate Boxes are the best shipping method and the cheapest.


For customers in the US and Puerto Rico, flat-rate boxes are not limited by weight but by volume. Don’t expect a lot of grout or stepping stone molds to fit. (The 12″ stepping stone molds won’t fit at all.) However, you can fit a lot of tile into these boxes relative to the cost.

The SMALL flat-rate box holds at most:

  • 10 sheets of 3/4″ tile
  • or 24 sheets of 12mm Morjo tile
  • or 4 12-ounce bags
  • or 3 pounds of loose tile
  • or 3 tools (cutters, nippers, combo)

The SMALL flat-rate box will NOT hold:

  • More than 5 feet of mesh
  • Glue
  • Cutting Oil
  • Porcelain Tile Nippers
  • Ceramic and Marble File
  • Running Pliers
  • Silver Tip Counter Brush
  • Mounting Paper
  • Mounting Grids
  • Molds
  • Safety Glasses
  • Apron
  • Sponge
  • Stained Glass

The MEDIUM flat-rate box holds at most:

  • 60 sheets of 3/4″ tile + 4 pounds of loose tile
  • or 80 sheets of 3/4″ tile + 2 pounds of loose tile
  • or 60 sheets of 3/4″ tile + 4 tools (cutters, nippers, combo)
  • or 1 Mosaic Starter Kit + 3 pounds of loose tile
  • or 24 12-ounce bags
  • or 14 pounds of loose tile
  • or 140 sheets of Morjo 12mm tile
  • or 110 sheets of Morjo 12mm tile + 4 tools (cutters, nippers, combo)
  • or 60 sheets of Morjo 12mm tile + 6 pounds of loose tile
  • or 42 half-pound bags of Morjo 12mm tile
  • or 20 tools (cutters, nippers, combo)
  • or 2 containers of grout
  • or 12 bottles of Weldbond 8-ounce
  • or 20 sheets of stained glass + 4 tools (cutters, nippers, combo)
  • or SOME partial combinations of the above.

The LARGE flat-rate box holds at most

  • 144 sheets of 3/4″ tile
  • or 60 sheets of 3/4″ tile + 1 half-gallon glue + 1 tool (cutters, nippers, combo)
  • or 1 Mosaic Starter Kit + 12 pounds of loose tile
  • or 1 Mosaic Starter Kit + 4 pounds of loose tile + 60 sheets of 3/4″ tile
  • or 2 half-gallon glue + 2 tools (cutters, nippers, combo) + 4 pounds loose tile
  • or 24 pounds of loose tile
  • or 32 12oz bags
  • or 270 sheets of Morjo 12mm tile
  • or 240 sheets of Morjo 12mm tile + 2 tools (cutters, nippers, combo)
  • or 200 sheets of C3 tile + 6 pounds of loose tile
  • or 60 half-pound bags of Morjo 12mm tile
  • or 30 tools (cutters, nippers, combo)
  • or 4 containers of grout
  • or 20 bottles of Weldbond 8-ounce
  • or 20 sheets of stained glass + 12 tools (cutters, nippers, combo)
  • or SOME partial combinations of the above.

Mosaic Tile Gifts

Most artists prefer to choose their own materials, so buying art supplies as a gift can be problematic. However, we offer several options that minimize the stress of choosing.

Gift Certificates

Mosaic Art Supply sells Gift Certificates in amounts of $30, $50 and $100. The certificates can be mailed to you or directly to the recipient. If this is a last-minute gift, we can even email you an electronic copy of the certificate that you can print out at home.

Mosaic Starter Kits

We also have a Mosaic Starter Kit With Compound Nipper that is the perfect way to equip someone new to mosaic with the essential tools needed to work with glass, porcelain and ceramic. Note that our kit is NOT a children’s project kit with materials for making one particular design. Instead, our kit contains the same tools we use in our studio for executing commissioned artwork and is intended to outfit your artist to pursue their own unique design. The kit contains an 8-ounce bottle of Weldbond adhesive and two pounds of sanded grout plus a small selection of glass mosaic tile, which allows your artist to make a simple trivet or mosaic plaque before planning more ambitious projects.

Hint: An ideal gift would be the Mosaic Starter Kit plus a Gift Certificate.

The kit comes in two versions. The kit with the compound tile nipper should be ordered if you think your artist might want to work with stone or porcelain. We have our more economical Mosaic Starter Kit that has a regular tile nipper for artists who only use these harder materials in limited quantities. Both kits contain a mosaic glass cutter.

Mosaic Art Starter Kit with Compound Nipper
Our Mosaic Art Starter Kit with Compound Nipper is the same as our regular Mosaic Starter Kit, but it includes the Compound Tile Nipper for hard porcelain and stone.
Mosaic Art Starter Kit
Mosaic Art Starter Kit includes professional-grade tools plus grout, glue, 300 glass mosaic tiles, and access to our online mosaic instructions.

Mosaic Tile Assortments

Mosaic Tile Assortments are great for giving your artist a sampling of many of the things we sell.

Terms and Conditions

All Customers

If your order has a deadline, place the order and e-mail us immediately at [email protected] so that we can work with you to ensure your order arrives on time.

  • Weekend orders cannot ship before Monday.
  • Most orders ship within 1 to 2 business days. Large or special orders may take longer.
  • UPS Next Day orders placed after 2pm Eastern Time cannot ship before the following weekday.
  • UPS Next Day and 2nd Day mean business days, not counting weekend days.
  • We cannot cancel orders after they ship.

European Union

Information Regarding Directive 2011/83/EU
All products listed on the website have detailed product descriptions provided.
Business information including address is listed at the bottom of each page.
All customer service interactions are handled via e-mail: [email protected]
Delivery to the EU can take multiple weeks and is subject to Customs delays. EU customers are encouraged to e-mail us before ordering for transit time information.
Shipping schedule information is provided here.
Reimbursement will be made for the original cost of the order, or as applicable, partial cost if only some of the materials are returned.
Pursuant to Article 14(1), the customer is responsible for the price of return shipping.

European Union information concerning the exercise of the right of withdrawal
Right of withdrawal
You have the right to withdraw from a sales contract within 14 days without giving any reason. The withdrawal period will expire after 14 days from the day on which you acquire, or a third party other than the carrier and indicated by you acquires, physical possession of the goods.
To exercise the right of withdrawal, you must inform us by e-mail to [email protected] of your decision to withdraw from the sales contract by an unequivocal statement in the e-mail.
To meet the withdrawal deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your e-mail concerning your exercise of the right of withdrawal before the withdrawal period has expired.
Effects of withdrawal
If you withdraw from a sales contract, we shall reimburse to you all payments received from you for that particular order, including the costs of delivery (with the exception of the supplementary costs resulting from your choice of Priority Mail Express International, or any other type of delivery other than the least expensive type of standard delivery offered by us, which for almost all international orders is Priority Mail International), without undue delay and in any event not later than 14 days from the day on which we are informed about your decision to withdraw from the sales contract. We will carry out such reimbursement using the same means of payment as you used for the initial transaction, unless you have expressly agreed otherwise; in any event, you will not incur any fees as a result of such reimbursement
You shall send back the goods to Mosaic Art Supply, 2964 Alcove Dr, Scottdale, GA 30079 USA without undue delay and in any event not later than 14 days from the day on which you communicate your withdrawal from this contract to us. The deadline is met if you send back the goods before the period of 14 days has expired.
You will have to bear the direct cost of returning the goods.
You are only liable for any diminished value of the goods resulting from the handling other than what is necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the goods.

All Customers

When will my order ship?

  • Mosaic Art Supply, LLC ships all orders from Scottdale, Georgia, which is in the US Eastern Standard Time Zone.
  • Orders are shipped on weekdays only.
  • Most orders ship within 1 to 2 business days. Large or special orders may take longer.
  • We do not ship orders on US postal holidays. For a list of postal holidays please click here.
  • Orders placed after 4 PM EST cannot be mailed until at least the next business day.
  • Orders can’t be cancelled after they ship.

When will my order arrive?

  • For most orders, USPS Priority Mail will be the cheapest option. It is also usually the fastest shipping option.
  • USPS Priority Mail usually delivers within the lower 48 states within 2 or 3 days.
  • USPS Priority Mail does NOT guarantee a specific delivery date.
  • UPS Ground is usually the cheapest option for large and bulky items such as 3 litre Weldbond jugs or full rolls of mosaic mesh.
  • UPS Ground does NOT guarantee a specific gelivery date.
  • If your address is incorrect in any way (ZIP, street, apt number, etc.), then UPS’s additional fee of $13 for address corrections will be charged to your credit card.
  • We reserve the right to use UPS Ground for orders containing multiple sheets of stained glass or other products that we determine may get broken in Priority Mail flat-rate boxes.

Can I get a guaranteed delivery date?

  • If you absolutely need your order by a certain date please e-mail us right now at [email protected] so we can work with you.
  • UPS offers 2nd-Day Air and Next-Day Air delivery, which you can select during checkout.
  • UPS 2nd-Day Air and Next-Day Air services refer to business days only, they do NOT include weekends or US federal holidays.
  • Orders ship only on weekdays (not including postal holidays) from Scottdale, Georgia, and must be placed before 2 PM EST in order to go out on the same business day.
  • We strongly encourage you to e-mail us as soon as possible at [email protected] so that we can let you know what your options are.
  • UPS Saturday Delivery is an extra charge and is very expensive. Our website does not quote Saturday Delivery as a shipping option.

Can I get a guaranteed delivery date outside of the United States?

  • No, international customs bureaucracies will take time to inspect your package, and can cause delays.
  • Priority Mail Express International is the fastest international service we offer.
  • If you order PMEI we need to have the order before 1 PM EST (13h00) and we need you to e-mail us at [email protected] in order for your order to ship the same day.
  • Simply copy-and paste the following text then change it to include your order number:
  • I just placed a Priority Mail Express International order, the order is #XXXXX, please ship as soon as possible.

Can you mail a package outside the USA with a service other than USPS?

  • No, UPS will charge you a hefty customs brokerage fee when you receive your package.
  • We don’t have relationships with any other international carriers.
  • You are responsible for paying your country’s taxes and duties, if applicable.

My package is missing items. What should I do?

  • Please e-mail us immediately at [email protected] so that we can fix the problem. If you wait until your deadline is near to report the problem, we may not be able to help. We cannot ship replacement items by express shipping methods if you wait to report the problem.

My package never showed up, or it was delivered opened or damaged. What should I do?

  • Please e-mail us immediately at [email protected] so that we can file a missing package inquiry or a claim with USPS or UPS as soon as possible.
  • Damaged package claims must be reported to us as soon as possible or else USPS or UPS may deny the claim.
  • US Postal Insurance does not cover theft of packages after they are delivered.
  • Please follow the tracking information we email you and make sure you retrieve packages from porches and mailboxes quickly and report problems in a timely manner.
  • We do not assume liability for thefts occurring at your home.
  • USPS insurance does not cover theft from your porch, and we cannot reimburse orders stolen after delivery to your address. Ship to your work address if needed to be safe.

United States and Other Countries

Sales and Retail Prices

By placing an order from our website, you agree that:

  • Mosaic Art Supply, LLC is entitled to keep the calculated retail price displayed with the sale price as long as desired.
  • Displaying the calculated price is absolutely necessary in this market to avoid artists designing projects over a long time frame (multiple years) being surprised that they may need a quantity that requires a new factory order at the calculated retail price.
  • You will not seek damages from any perceived or actual violations of any law including but not limited to any limitations on how long a sale price can remain in place along with the calculated retail price.

How can I return an item?

  • Please send us an e-mail at [email protected] to request a return authorization.
  • Authorization may be granted if you had ordered samples before ordering large quantities and the return is made within 2 weeks.
  • Please tell us your order number and tell us what product(s) you’d like to return and the reason for the return.
  • We can’t refund shipping costs for obvious reasons.
  • We can’t accept returns if you haven’t e-mailed us first and we have not authorized the return.
  • We can’t accept returns of broken or damaged items or opened containers of Weldbond, Grout, Thinset, or Cutting Oil.
  • ATTENTION CONTRACTORS: Do not order large quantities if you are not sure about the products you need.
  • Please e-mail us at [email protected] to ask about Sample Boards or for help selecting the tiles you need.

METALLIC Glass Mosaic Tiles Assortment 3/8-Inch 1/2-lb

Metallic Glass Mosaic Tiles Assortment 3/8-Inch

Metallic Glass Mosaic Tiles Assortment 3/8-Inch are sold loose by the 1/2-lb (approximately 320+ pieces) for use in art and craft and as an architectural surface covering. Mounting grids and mounting paper are available for laying up designs. The sintered copper dust embedded in the glass gives it a permanent sparkle that is more classic than the glitter tiles sold in the craft market.

METALLIC Glass Mosaic Tiles Assortment 3/8-Inch 1/2-lb

  • tile size: 3/8 inch (10mm)
  • thickness: 1/8 nominal (4mm)
  • sales unit: half pound (320+ pieces)
  • material: glass
  • variety: metallic (copper dust embedded in glass)
  • pigments: colorfast, UV resistant
  • durability: frost-proof, impervious to liquid
  • usage: suitable for indoor and outdoor use


One half pound of ~320 tiles will cover approximately 0.4 square feet assuming a standard grout gap of approximately 1/32 inch. To cover 1 square foot with the standard grout gap for this size, 796 tiles are needed. Most mosaic mounting paper is 1.15 square feet and requires 841 tiles (29 tiles x 29 tiles). Use our tile estimator to calculate how much you need for your project.


Tile thickness is 1/8 inch nominal, the same as most of the glass mosaic tile we sell, which means that these can be used with other types and brands. Never assume that colors of different sizes will match exactly even if they have the same name because they often come from different manufacturer batches.

Cutting Tile

The Mosaic Glass Cutter is recommended for cutting all types of glass mosaic tile including these. Note that there is a limit to how small 3/8-inch tile can be cut because the sides of the tiles are tapered, and small pieces tend to fall over. We cut halves and quarters and diagonal triangles but do not try to go small than that, at least most of the time. If you are making the fine details of your image and need to cut smaller, you can lean pieces against each other, but that can get tedious.

Use in Mosaic Art

The Aventurine brand includes enough different colors so that an image could be rendered with these alone, but they are more often used with other types of glass tile for figurative designs and in mixed-media mosaic craft projects such as stepping stones. Tip: instead of placing them as single square tiles between other materials, arrange them in short swirling rows. You can even do this figurative art: Make your sky from swirling rows of tile (which is always preferable to a grid arrangement) and put a few intermittent rows of sparkling tiles in for contrast and visual interest.

How To Make Mosaics

For more advice on designing your mosaic project or mounting, cutting, and grouting tile, please see our page of Mosaic Frequently Asked Questions or our Mosaic Information Guide, which lists instructional pages described by topic. We also post new articles about making mosaics at our How to Mosaic Blog.

METALLIC Glass Mosaic Tiles Assortment 3/4-Inch 1 lb

Metallic Glass Mosaic Tiles Assortment 3/4-Inch

Our Metallic Glass Mosaic Tiles Assortment includes all 29 shades of our 3/4-inch Morjo Metallic glass tile. These tiles have copper dust swirls and streaks inside the glass for a permanent sparkle. Sold by the pound (approximately 145+ pieces). These tiles are hard and durable enough for outdoor installation, yet they cut easily into halves, quarters, and triangles with little force using a pair of mosaic glass cutters. The grooved side bonds adhesive more securely.

Metallic Glass Mosaic Tiles Assortment 3/4-Inch

  • Sales unit: 1 pound (roughly 145+ tiles).
  • Tile dimensions: 3/4 inch x 3/4 inch (20mm x 20mm).
  • Tile thickness: 4mm (1/8 inch nominal).
  • Material: glass with metallic copper dust swirled inside the glass.
  • Coverage: each pound covers 0.69 square feet.
  • Coverage: 218 loose tiles cover 1 sq ft. with grout spacing of 1/16 inch.
  • Frost-proof, impervious to liquid.
  • Suitable for indoor/outdoor use.

Product Coverage

Each pound covers 0.69 square feet, assuming a standard grout spacing of 1/16 inch. Coverage for 1 square foot requires 218 tiles. Note that cutting tiles generates some scrap, so you may want to budget 5% extra.


The 3/4 inch size (20mm) and 1/8 inch nominal thickness (4mm) is industry standard, which means these tiles can mix and match with a wide variety of brands.

Cutting Glass Tile

Though durable enough for outdoor mosaics, this tile cuts easily with minimal force using the mosaic glass cutters. Ordinary tile nippers are not recommended for any type of glass.

Metallic Glass Tile in Mosaic Art

Even as an occasional accent, metallic glass tile will add sparkle, depth and luminosity to any mosaic project. Break up monochromatic color fields with their metallic equivalent, or sprinkle in pieces to add drama to your details.

How To Make Mosaics

For more advice on designing your mosaic project or cutting and grouting tile, please see our Mosaic Frequently Asked Questions page or our How To Mosaic blog or our Mosaic Information Guide.

IRIDESCENT Assortment 3/4 Inch 1-lb

3/4 iridescent assortment

Our Iridescent Assortment is a rainbow mix of 3/4-inch iridized glass tiles for use in art and coverings. It is sold loose by the pound (approximately 145+ pieces). Note that only the faces of the tiles are iridized. The backs are plain colored glass with embossed ridges and grooves to help adhesives grip it tightly. The 3/4-inch (20mm) width and ~1/8-inch thickness are standard dimensions, so you can mix and match these with many other brands of tile. All our glass tiles can be cut easily with the Mosaic Glass Cutter we sell.

MILDLY Iridized

Note that the iridescence is MILD and not so glossy that the underlying color is obscured. This is a definite plus because glass that is heavily iridized tends to look the same no matter what color the glass is underneath. These tiles show a significant amount of the underlying color and can be used to render polychromatic images.

Iridized Glass Mosaic Tiles 3/4-Inch

  • Price is per 1 pound (approximate 145+ mosaic tiles).
  • Tile dimensions: 3/4″ x 3/4″ (20mm actual) A standard size and compatible with vitreous tiles from most other manufacturers).
  • Tile thickness: 1/8″ nominal.
  • Coverage: each pound covers approximately 0.7 square feet sq ft.
  • Pigments: colorfast metal oxide.
  • Only the faces are iridized. The backs are standard finish and embossed with ridges for more secure bonding.
  • cuts easily with mosaic glass cutters.
  • frost proof.
  • impervious to liquids.
  • Suitable for indoor and outdoor installation.
  • NOT suitable for floors.

Product Coverage

One bag of approximately 150 tiles will cover 0.7 square feet assuming a standard grout gap of approximately 1/16 inch. 218 loose tiles cover 1 square feet with grout spacing of 1/16 inch.


Tile thickness is approximately 1/8 inch, which is the same as the other 3/8-inch and 3/4-inch glass mosaic tile we sell.

Cutting Tile

All the glass mosaic tile we sell can be cut quickly with minimal force using a pair of Mosaic Glass Cutter.

How To Make Mosaic Art

For more advice on designing your mosaic project or mounting, cutting, and grouting tile, please see our page of Mosaic Frequently Asked Questions or our Mosaic Information Guide, which lists instructional pages described by topic. We also post new articles about making mosaics at our How to Mosaic Blog.

THICK Glazed Handmade Ceramic Dinnerware Scrap 3-Pound BOX

THICK Glazed Handmade Ceramic Dinnerware Scrap 3-Pound Box is a bag of kiln-fired scrap from dishware made by a local artist. Glazed ceramic like this is not frost-proof, and needs to be used indoors only. These pieces are randomized broken shards with different glazes on them, and can be cut with a hammer and hardie or our Compound Nipper. The average piece size varies, but one box should cover about 2/3 of a square foot. This is a low-volume limited-offer discount product; when we sell out we are out.

Thickness varies greatly from piece to piece because this is broken dinnerware, but it is much THICKER overall than the thin 2-pound bags of scrap we have.

THICK Glazed Handmade Ceramic Dinnerware Scrap 3-Pound Box

  • Price is for a 3-pound box
  • glazed ceramic tile handmade by a local Atlanta artist
  • thickness: variable, but thick!
  • Coverage: Varies, but under 1 square foot


The thickness of this product is much greater than most of the products we sell, so this material is best used by itself or in multi-media mosaic where pieces of the different thickness are pressed into a bed of thinset mortar.

Cutting Tile

This product cuts with the Mosaic Tile Nipper that we sell.

Use in Mosaic Art

This material is best used in mixed-media mosaic where pieces are pressed into mortar. Indoor use only. Not frost proof.

How To Make Mosaic Art

For more advice on designing your mosaic project or mounting, cutting, and grouting tile, please see our page of Mosaic Frequently Asked Questions or our Mosaic Information Guide, which lists instructional pages described by topic. We also post new articles about making mosaics at our How to Mosaic Blog.

Smalti Assortment SM-RAINBOW 1-POUND

Smalti Assortment 1 Pound MTM SM-MX00

Smalti Assortment SM-MX00 1-POUND is a bulk assortment of our smalti. This mix contains all of the colors we carry, but there may be more of some colored tiles and fewer of others. We try to homogenize the blend, but getting an exactly even amount of each color would be exceedingly difficult.

Smalti is traditional hand-cut mosaic glass that has a different look and feel from molded tile. It is the glass to use for reproducing religious icons, antique mosaic art, or making modern interpretations of classical designs. This assortment is sold by the pound, which is 160+ pieces on average.

Mud Turtle Mosaic™ brand smalti is a next-generation smalti. It looks like ordinary smalti (non-molded hand-cut rectangles), but it can be cut more predictably and cleanly with less waste and fewer shards, which often an issue with smalti. Avoid having to discard a significant percentage of your expensive materials as cutting scrap. This brand cuts more efficiently because of how it is poured and cooled. With Mud Turtle Mosaic™ smalti, extra care is taken to ensure that the mixture is more homogeneous and that little or no cold seams are formed during the pouring of the molten material out on the slab. The result is that are fewer blobs and swirls and fault plains inside the glass. These artificial internal structures are what causes regular smalti to break in such odd ways and form such vicious finger-poking shards. With this brand, there are also fewer surface pits and crevices for grouts and mortars to contaminate.

Product Coverage

Traditionally mosaics made from smalti were not grouted. However, if your mosaic will be outdoors or in a wet location, then you need to leave a gap between the tiles so that if can be filled with grout to seal out moisture. Having a grout gap means that you will need about 10 to 15% less smalti than otherwise.

Piece Count

One sales unit (1 pound) USUALLY contains 160+ pieces, with 168 being the average for the material we sampled. However, the smalti is sold by weight, and if the factory cuts a batch with slightly larger pieces, then that batch will have fewer pieces per pound.


Smalti is hand cut when it is made at the factory, and so it had a different look and feel from regular molded glass mosaic tile that is pressed into a uniform shape. Smalti is also significantly thicker than most of the glass tile we sell. For these reasons, mosaics look best when they are made from one type material or the other but not both.

Cutting Smalti

Mud Turtle Mosaic™ Smalti cuts extremely well with the mosaic glass cutters that we sell.

Smalti Mosaic Glass

  • Price for this assortment is per pound, which is USUALLY 160+ pieces.
  • The factory could potentially cut the pieces slightly larger, which would reduce the piece count per pound.
  • hand-cut non-molded rectangular pieces.
  • variable dimensions: ~1/4 inch x ~5/8 inch x ~1/4 inch thick.
  • coverage: about 2.5 to 3 pounds per square foot with coverage being affected by how the smalti is cut by the artist.
  • Pigments: colorfast metal oxide.
  • Solid color throughout.
  • Opaque.
  • Cut surface is glossy.
  • Cuts relatively easily with mosaic glass cutters.
  • Heat, frost and chemical resistant.
  • Suitable for both commercial and residential installation, indoors and out.

Use in Mosaic Art

This smalti is probably the best you can find if you need to render small details in smalti because it can be cut smaller with less waste than other brands. It also has little or no surface pitting, so you can grout a mosaic made from this material without having specks of grout remaining all over the face of the mosaic in pits. The product is highly recommended.

How To Make Mosaic Art

For more advice on designing your mosaic project or mounting, cutting, and grouting tile, please see our page of Mosaic Frequently Asked Questions or our Mosaic Information Guide, which lists instructional pages described by topic. We also post new articles about making mosaics at our How to Mosaic Blog.