Smalti Mosaic Glass

Smalti Mosaic Glass

Smalti is traditional hand-cut mosaic glass that has a different look and feel from molded tile. It is the glass to use for reproducing religious icons, antique mosaic art, or making modern interpretations of classical designs. Is is sold by the 1/4 pound, which is 40+ pieces on average.

Mud Turtle Mosaic™ brand smalti is a next-generation smalti. It looks like ordinary smalti (non-molded hand-cut rectangles), but it can be cut more predictably and cleanly with less waste and fewer shards, which often an issue with smalti. Avoid having to discard a significant percentage of your expensive materials as cutting scrap. This brand cuts more efficiently because of how it is poured and cooled. With Mud Turtle Mosaic™ smalti, extra care is taken to ensure that the mixture is more homogeneous and that little or no cold seams are formed during the pouring of the molten material out on the slab. The result is that are fewer blobs and swirls and fault plains inside the glass. These artificial internal structures are what causes regular smalti to break in such odd ways and form such vicious finger-poking shards. With this brand, there are also fewer surface pits and crevices for grouts and mortars to contaminate.

Product Coverage

One sales unit (1/4-pound) covers a little over 9 square inches uncut with no grout spacing. Depending on how you cut the smalti, you could get about 12 to 14 square inches of coverage per 1/4 pound. A good rule of thumb is 2.5 to 3 pounds per square foot.

Traditionally mosaics made from smalti were not grouted. However, if your mosaic will be outdoors or in a wet location, then you need to leave a gap between the tiles so that if can be filled with grout to seal out moisture. Having a grout gap means that you will need about 10 to 15% less smalti than otherwise.

Piece Count

One sales unit (1/4-pound) USUALLY contains 40+ pieces, with 42 being the average for the material we sampled. However, the smalti is sold by weight, and if the factory cuts a batch with slightly larger pieces, then that batch will have fewer pieces per 1/4 pound.


Smalti is hand cut when it is made at the factory, and so it had a different look and feel from regular molded glass mosaic tile that is pressed into a uniform shape. Smalti is also significantly thicker than most of the glass tile we sell. For these reasons, mosaics look best when they are made from one type material or the other but not both.

Cutting Smalti

Mud Turtle Mosaic™ Smalti cuts extremely well with the mosaic glass cutters that we sell.

Smalti Mosaic Glass

  • Price is per 1/4 pound, which is USUALLY 40+ pieces.
  • The factory could potentially cut the pieces slightly larger, which would reduce the piece count per 1/4 pound.
  • hand-cut non-molded rectangular pieces.
  • variable dimensions: ~1/4 inch x ~5/8 inch x ~1/4 inch thick.
  • coverage: about 2.5 to 3 pounds per square foot with coverage being affected by how the smalti is cut by the artist.
  • Pigments: colorfast metal oxide.
  • Solid color throughout.
  • Opaque.
  • Cut surface is glossy.
  • Cuts relatively easily with mosaic glass cutters.
  • Heat, frost and chemical resistant.
  • Suitable for both commercial and residential installation, indoors and out.

Use in Mosaic Art

This smalti is probably the best you can find is you need to render small details in smalti because it can be cut smaller with less waste than other brands. It also has little or no surface pitting, so you can grout a mosaic made from this material without having specks of grout remaining all over the face of the mosaic in pits. The product is highly recommended.

How To Make Mosaic Art

For more advice on designing your mosaic project or mounting, cutting, and grouting tile, please see our page of Mosaic Frequently Asked Questions or our Mosaic Information Guide, which lists instructional pages described by topic. We also post new articles about making mosaics at our How to Mosaic Blog.

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Mosaic Art Project Ideas

Ideas for small mosaic projects for beginners with examples

Mosaic Trivets and Mosaic Plaques

The best beginner’s project is a small trivet or plaque made on 1/2 inch plywood. I recommend cabinet-grade plywood which comes with a sanded finish. Many times you can get plenty of plywood in the scrap bin from a home remodeling job. Note that your backer doesn’t need to be perfectly square. Irregular triangles and rectangles and trapezoids work as well as squares. Remember to be “artistic” and “color outside the lines.”

If you desire to make a mosaic shape like a star or a cat or a sun, then 1/2 inch sanded plywood is still the best way to go. You can buy an entire sheet of plywood and a jigsaw to cut it with for not much more than what most craft websites charge for mosaic backers. Another advantage of cutting your own shape is that your project is more likely to look like YOUR art instead of some factory-made craft kit, which is all I can think of when I see the mosaic shapes or mosaic backers sold elsewhere.

The exposed edges of your plywood backer can be painted with a neutral color of acrylic paint or even latex house paint. You don’t always have to buy something special to make art, and you can often use what you happen to have on hand. In fact, using re-purposed materials usually adds an extra dimension of creativity to your project.

Displaying small mosaic plaques is simple: they can rest on a table as a coaster or trivet to hold hot plates, or they can be displayed on a small plate easel, such as people use to display fine china plates.

Mosaic Christmas Ornament by Jim Hopton
Mosaic Christmas Ornament

Mosaic Christmas ornament by Jim Hopton constructed on a 2.5″ Styrofoam ball using glass mosaic tile and antique china shards found along the shores of the Allegheny River in Pittsburgh, PA. I recommend threading a wire loop all the way through the Styrofoam ball before mosaicing to make sure that the heavy mosaic ornament has something secure to tie the string to. Craft stores sell little hoops with spikes that stick into the Styrofoam less than an inch, but that would not hold a heavier ornament. Our mosaic ornament kit comes built ready to hold the weight of tile and grout.

Mosaic Mirror by Melanie Berry
Mosaic Mirror

Mosaic Mirror by Melanie Berry makes use of broken dinnerware and broken talavera tile from Mexico, which is a soft terracotta tile with a colorful glaze of primary colors in traditional patterns. Keep in mind that you can make your own mosaic mirrors from plywood and mirror stock. One sheet of 1/2-inch plywood is used as a backer, and a second of 1/4 inch has a whole cut out for the mirror and forms a frame around the mirror. If this seems like extra work compared to buying something ready made, then remember that making your own allows you to make it exactly the size and shape you want. Tip: you don’t have to own a jigsaw or cut it out yourself. You probably have a friend or a friend’s partner that can do that for you.

Butterfly Mosaic Vase by Sandra Schwartz
Butterfly Mosaic Vase

Butterfly Mosaic Vase by Sandra Schwartz was made on a thick glass vase. Sandra reports that she coated the vase with Weldbond and allowed that to dry before gluing on tile. This makes the work of gluing on tile much easier because a surface of dried glue is less likely to allow tile to slide compared to a slick glass surface. I would recommend scuffing the glass with coarse-grit sandpaper before applying the first coat of glue.

Mosaic Mirror by Sandra Schwartz
Mosaic Mirror

Mosaic Mirror by Sandra Schwartz is a mixed-media mosaic that uses glass gems, glass mosaic tile and broken dinnerware.

Recycled Mosaic Art

A guide to finding and using repurposed and recycled mosaic materials in a responsible way.

Materials That Age Gracefully

Technically, you can make a mosaic from anything just as you can make art from anything, but if you say “mosaic” to mean a piece of durable artwork made from hard weather-resistant materials, then you have to resist the temptation to include things like plastic toy parts or wooden figurines or metal bottlecaps. Or keep the artwork indoors, which is fine. The point is that all the grout in the world will not make those materials more resistant to rust or humidity or degradation by the sun’s ultraviolet rays. In fact, concrete is mildly caustic and actually causes those materials to oxidize more rapidly when exposed to moisture.

All that being said, I love to use found and improvised materials in my own mosaics, and I have used wood and plastic and thin pieces of painted metal. BUT I used them in indoor mosaics. I did not tell myself any art-school babble about how natural and beautiful it would be to watch my art decompose and decay, etc., mainly because I have seen older found-object mosaics where the plastics and tins have eroded out, and they didn’t look interesting. They looked sad. Plastic does not age gracefully, especially when seen alongside glass and stone that look the same as they day they were installed.

There is also the environmental cost of making certain forms of art. If I want to make Tibetan butter sculptures, I will use butter. Then I can watch my artwork melt in the sun and listen to the Buddhist monks talk about the impermanence of life, etc. But if I use materials like grout and glass tile (materials which take a lot of fossil fuels to manufacture), then I will make sure that the artwork hangs around long enough to attempt to justify the environmental cost.

Recycled Materials

Recycled and repurposed materials commonly used for making mosaics:

  • old china plates
  • tea cups
  • seashells
  • beads
  • ceramic pieces and figurines
  • household tiles, used and stripped from walls or floors
  • scrap glass
  • broken mirror
  • teeth, bone
  • buttons
  • marbles
  • pebbles and beach stones
  • typewriter keys
  • jewelry
  • small metal tools
  • coins
  • bottle caps
  • nuts and bolts
  • dice
  • chandelier pieces
  • old watches
  • metal, glass and ceramic souvenirs

Keep in mind that many found objects such as bones and seashells are porous. This means that they can be stained by grout and that they can be damaged by freezing temperatures if water is allowed to soak into them. The solution to both issues is to seal the objects thoroughly with a tile and grout sealer. However you don’t want to get the sealer any place glue or grout needs to stick. We glue the objects down, then we take a small artists paint brush and coat the tops of the found objects with sealer, taking care to not let excess sealer run down the sides of the object where the grout needs to bond. After the mosaic has been grouted, we come back a few days later and seal the entire mosaic, grout and all.

Sourcing Materials

Here are a few places to check for recycled mosaic materials:

  • Tile stores, flooring outlets and home improvement centers: ask the managers for broken and discontinued tiles.
  • Look around the dumpsters at home improvement centers or tile shops for damaged discards.
  • Neighborhood construction dumpsters and home renovations.
  • Search your garage and those of your friends and family.
  • Thrift stores.
  • Garage sales.
  • Craigslist-check the free listings.
  • Freecycle.
  • Discarded stained glass pieces from glass artists.

Outdoor Mosaic Project

An example of how to design, tile and grout an outdoor mosaic on a cement backer.

The following is a case study of an outdoor mosaic by David Cater, using work-in-progress photos taken by the artist. We have a separate page which summarizes our general instructions for outdoor mosaics, but the example below gives lots of insight.

I was deeply touched by David’s project, especially how he hand set each tile. My first mosaic was made almost in a trance state where I had no concern for efficiency or how much work it took. I hand chipped broken china with an ordinary claw hammer and didn’t even take the time to get a tile nipper, even though that tool would have save me hours and hours. It really was a labor of love, and I see that in David’s project too.

In the text below, I explain how David executed his project, but I also make comments on how the mosaic could have been made with less labor.

David Cater
David’s initial sketch

David Cater
Laying out the tiles beforehand

David Cater
Complete layout

Concept Sketch

Like most mosaic projects, David’s sidewalk mosaic started as a concept sketch where the street number of his house is incorporated with a cardinal and dogwood design. Note how the red cardinal matches the red of the border, which helps to integrate the picture with the design as a whole. Note how the blue sky and the white dogwood make good contrasts with the red.

Choosing Colors

Color choices are as important as the composition. To save frustration, get your color choices worked out before you attach the first tile. Sometimes it helps just to play with tile laid out on the surface to be mosaiced. I like to draw my cartoon (outline) on the surface and lay the tile in the different areas of the cartoon.

Design tools like color wheels are great for picking out initial choices, but colors usually have to be laid side by side before you can be absolutely certain they work together. This is particularly true when using different shades of each color

Initial Layout

David laid out his design on a sheet of plywood as a temporary surface. Note that David screwed a frame around his work area to define the size of the mosaic and provide a stop for straight edges.

To speed the placement of tile, an outline of the design could have been sketched onto the plywood. Most people have difficulty doing this because they aren’t experienced with drawing. The good news is that you don’t have to be.

Easy Method to Transfer and Enlarge Drawings

Simply use a ruler to draw a grid on your sketch. Then draw another grid on your larger surface. Notice that each square of the grid on the drawing contains just a little part of the drawing, usually just a few curved lines. Draw these same curved lines in same square of the large grid. You don’t even have to think about what you are drawing. Just copy what’s in each square, one square at a time. This makes it easy to enlarge and transfer outlines.


Complete Layout

In the above photo, we see that David has his design completely laid out and all tiles positioned, which represents many hours of labor.

At this point, clear contact paper could have been pressed onto the face of the tile to pick the entire mosaic up at once, which would allow the mosaic to be installed rapidly by pressing into thinset mortar. However, one problem with using clear contact paper to pick a mosaic up like this is that individual tile can get out of position while the contact paper is being pressed down. This problem can be minimized by laying out the tile on a nonslip surface, such as a sheet of rubber. That way the tiles can’t easily slip out of place when the contact paper is applied.

Another labor-saving method would have been to lay the mosaic out upside down on brown mosaic paper such as the kind we sell. In that method, the tiles are temporarily glued face-down on paper using a water-soluable glue like Elmer’s Glue. The sheet of mosaic is then pressed into cement, which allowed to harden over night. Then the paper is misted with water and peeled off.


David Cater
The area to be mosaiced

Surface Preparation

David poured some new concrete approximately 4 inches thick for his mosaic. Note that the concrete is slightly lower than the surrounding brick so that the surface of the mosaic will be flush with the brick. You can put mosaics on existing cement, but you should use a wire brush to scour the surface to remove any loose sediments and invisible sealers, which could interfere with bonding.


David Cater
David transferred the tiles one by one onto the new surface

Mounting Mosaic Tile

David manually transferred each tile from his temporary tray and mounted the individual tile using thinset mortar.

Note that this means David had to manually position each tile twice: once in the tray when he laid up his design and then once again when he sets each individual tile in mortar. That is why using contact paper or mosaic mounting paper to pick the entire mosaic up at once for rapid installation saves an enormous amount of work.

Another technique for speeding the work is to lay the mosaic up on 1/2″ concrete backer board and then cement the entire concrete board in place using thinset mortar. The only caveat would be to make sure the edges of the board aren’t damaged and crumbly. The edges of concrete backer board can be repaired and reinforced using thinset mortar.


David Cater
Grouting after all tiles are down

Grouting the Mosaic

Grouting is done by smearing grout across the face of the mosaic and pressing the grout into the gaps between the tile. Indoor mosaics do not require grouting and the tile can be pressed tightly together. Outdoor mosaics must be grouted because the grout keeps water from penetrating between the tile, which is disastrous especially when the water freezes.

Make sure that you press the grout between the tile very thoroughly so that there are no voids or bubbles beneath a thin veneer of grout. This takes some repeated rubbing and pressing on the tile, and this is why you should never grout before the cement or adhesive has been allowed to harden for several days.

Note that a thin haze of grout can be buffed off after the grout has hardened, but most of this excess grout should be removed while still wet. The mosaic in the photo still needs some wiping. Make sure your sponge is damp but not so wet that drops of water could squeeze out and damage the wet grout. Keep your mosaic covered with plastic as it cures or otherwise keep it from drying out. Otherwise the grout will be soft and crumbly. Remember grout and concrete harden by binding water, not by dehydration.


David Cater
David’s completed mosaic

Seal Thoroughly

I should also note that outdoor mosaics on horizontal surfaces are particularly vulnerable to moisture and freeze damage because horizontal surfaces allow water to pool. (Keep in mind that the mosaics of the ancient Greeks and Romans lasted for millennia because the Mediterranean is a warm dry climate.) One thing that can be done to minimize this risk is to slightly tilt the otherwise flat surface or to make it slightly round. For example, the seat of a concrete bench can be rounded slightly using a small amount of concrete mortar to build up the center of the seat by approximately 1/2″ and gently sloping down to the edges. Of course, this would need to be done at least a few days before attaching tile.

Regardless of the orientation, all outdoor mosaics should be sealed thoroughly with a tile and grout sealer, taking special care to seal the edges. Multiple applications should be made to ensure that all of the tiny pores in the grout and concrete are sealed. For added strength and stain resistance, you can use a concrete sealer instead of an ordinary tile and grout sealer. Again, the most important points are to take special care to seal the edges and use multiple coats to ensure complete coverage.