Mosaic Glass Cutter Replacement Wheel Blade


for the Mosaic Glass Cutters we sell (may not fit all bands)

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Replacement Wheel Blade (1 piece) for Mosaic Glass Cutters, which is the recommended hand tool for cutting glass mosaic tile. Note that the circular blades do not actually rotate, and the tool they are used on is a pinching tool and not a scoring tool. If you are looking for a scoring tool to make long straight cuts in stained glass, then look at the pistol-grip cutter.

These were sourced in bulk as a manufacturer close out and were produced for industrial equipment. That means surface finish/appearance of the blades is not attractive, but they are high quality, and the price is extremely low. Hurray!

Mosaic Glass Cutter Replacement Wheel Blade

  • 1 cutting blade
  • diameter: 22mm
  • mounting hole diameter: 6mm
  • thickness: 2mm


An Allen wrench (hex wrench) is needed to install these.


The replacement wheel blade fits every brand we have tried EXCEPT the Leponitt brand and other brands that have 5mm mounting holes instead of 6mm.

Safety and Cutting Tile

  • Always wear safety glasses with side shields when using the cutters.
  • Make sure that you don’t cut glass around people not wearing safety glasses. Flying chips could potentially hit their eyes as easily as yours.
  • Never use a mosaic glass cutter to cut materials other than glass, especially hard porcelain. The wheel-shaped blades can shatter.
  • Be aware that cutting glass tile can produce sharp tiny slivers. Never sweep off a work surface with your bare hand. Use a vacuum or broom.

Cutting Mosaic Tile</h2

It is much easier to cut up four or five pieces of tile and choose the one that fits best than it is to try to trim one piece to a certain shape or size. It is quicker too. Keep your rejects in a small pile and pay attention to the shapes that are in it. If you don’t use a certain size or shape as often, try to cut let pieces like that. This is much more effective than trimming a piece down to what you need, and it is a lot less tedious.

How To Make Mosaics

For more advice on designing your mosaic project or mounting, cutting, and grouting tile, please see our page of Mosaic Frequently Asked Questions or our Mosaic Information Guide, which lists instructional pages described by topic. We also post new articles about making mosaics at our How to Mosaic Blog.