Rough Minerals 1/2 Pound

1/2 pound rough unpolished mineral pieces for use in mosaic art



Natural undyed minerals, crystals, and stones for use in mixed-media mosaics with other found objects that are attached by pressing into thinset mortar or concrete. Do not expect these to be attached or grouted in the same way as flat tiles. Use these stones as accents and not as coverage for large areas. Do not order is your project cannot tolerate variance in size and shape. Individual pieces will vary from the photo, which is only meant to be representative.

Rough Minerals In Mosaic Art

Avoid Grout Staining

Crystals are fairly resistant to staining, but other unpolished minerals are easily stained by grout, just as seashells and other porous materials are. That is why mixed-media mosaics made from porous materials are not grouted. Instead, these type of objects are pressed into a layer of thinset mortar applied with a small trowel or palette knife. Use enough thinset to ensure that some of it squeezes up into the gaps between objects but not so much that is covers the object.

Product Coverage

Rough minerals are not sold for area coverage, and there is no way to give an objective answer to how much area a bag could cover even if every bag contained identical pieces. Why? No two artists would ever position or nest the same set of irregularly-shaped pieces in the same way. Irregularly-shaped objects do not necessarily look best when mounted side by side like flat tile. Instead, most artists tend to position them in partially upright postures that stick out from the surface of the mosaic. Also, these materials are usually nested with pieces partially leaning on neighbors. The extent to which pieces partially overlap each other is a subjective decision.


Most of our glass mosaic tile is about 1/8 inch thick, and rough chunks of minerals and crystals are significantly thicker, but they can be used in the same mosaic provided the artist understands that the unpolished minerals cannot be grouted in the same manner as the tile.

Cutting Rough Minerals

Different mineral types can be cut with varying degrees of success using a Compound Tile Nipper, but be aware that some crysals and semiprecious stones may break in unpredictable ways rather than cut cleanly. Avoid designs that require precise cuts. Use designs that take advantage of natural shapes, and if there is a rough edge that needs to be hidden, press that side into the mortar. A Marble File can be used to smooth rough edges.

Product Specifications

  • 1/2 pound of natural undyed material.
  • size and shape varies by batch.
  • piece count varies by batch.

Found-Object Mosaic Art

Mosaic artists experienced with flat tile only should carefully read the information above before using minerals and other non-flat objects. These materials are not difficult to use in mosaic art, merely different from flat tile. Each piece is best thought of as a unique object instead of stock material that can be cut up precisely as needed.

How To Make Mosaic Art

For more advice on designing your mosaic project or mounting, cutting, and grouting tile, please see our page of Mosaic Frequently Asked Questions or our Mosaic Information Guide, which lists instructional pages described by topic. We also post new articles about making mosaics at our How to Mosaic Blog. ; [product_table category=”rough-minerals” widths=”auto,auto,12,12,20″] ;